Algorithm and Programming 2015
May 4 – 8, 2015

An important education reform was put in place in the ‘classes
préparatoires’ in September 2013, and in particular as far as the teaching of IT is concerned.  All first year classes are concerned and this is to be extended to ‘Spéciales‘ classes in the autumn 2014.

This workshop is part of a general training programme for teachers in CPGE. As one of the places which accompanied the reflexion behind changes and which served to modernize the training of IT teachers in the last 25 years, we believe that the Luminy workshop has a key role to play in updating those areas.

Scientific Committee

Luc Albert (Centre international de Valbonne)
Laurent Cheno (Inspecteur général de l’Education nationale)
Gilles Dowek (Inria Rocquencourt)
Antoine Petit (ENS Cachan & Inria)
Richard Lassaigne (Université Paris Diderot)

Organizing Committee

Luc Albert (Centre international de Valbonne)
Francis Dorra (Lycée Fénelon)

Antoine Petit (ENS Cachan & Inria)


Dominique Barbolosi (Aix-Marseille Université)
Catherine Busquet (Lycée Kléber Strasbourg)
Gilles Dowek (Inria – Roquencourt)
Marc de Falco (Lycée International de Valbonne)
Stéphane Gonnord (Lycée du Parc, Lyon)
Claude Gomez (Scilab Enterprises)
Richard Lassaigne (Université Paris Diderot)
Jean-Luc Perrin (Lycée les Eucalyptus, Nice)
Jean Sequeira (Aix-Marseille Université)
Frédéric Vivien (Inria, ENS Lyon)