School of Biology for Students in Mathematics and Computer Scientists
July 4 – 8, 2016
The summer school of biology in Luminy has been organized since 2002. Since 2008, it has been held at CIRM. Each year, it hosts between fifteen and twenty participants. The audience consists primarily of students in mathematics and of computer scientists, physicists or engineers. Its aim is to provide them with minimal training in biology, so they may be able to work at the interface between biology and their discipline. Those of them who will work in the future at this interface will have every opportunity to go in more depth into the field of biology they are concerned with. The minimum level required to attend this research school is a « Licence ».

The courses are taught by teachers and researchers from various fields of biology, most of them working on the campus of Luminy but also by researchers at INSERM or ENS.

Most of the talks should be delivered in English.

Scientific  & Organizing committee

Florence Hubert (Aix-Marseille Université)
Etienne Pardoux (Aix-Marseille Université)
Laurence Roder (Aix-Marseille Université)


  • Serge Alonso et Benjamin Prud’homme (Aix-Marseille Université IBDM)

Génétique Moléculaire

  • Yves Collette (INSERM, CRCM)

Dérégulations cellulaires et cancer

  • E. Decroly (Aix Marseille Université AFMB)

Relations hôte-pathogène : cycle viral et inhibitions

  • Michael Kopp (Aix-Marseille Université, I2M)

Introduction à l’écologie et l’évolution

  • Arnaud Malvache (INSERM, INMED)

Etude du réseau de neurones à l’échelle cellulaire : codage spatial dans l’hippocampe

  • Alfonso Represa (INSERM, INMED)

Maturation cérébrale

  • Thomas Rival (Aix-Marseille Université, IBDM)

Introduction à la biologie cellulaire : organisation de la cellule

  • Philippe Roche (CNRS, CRCM)

Structure des protéines et drug design

  • Hugues Roest Crollius (ENS Paris)

Evolution du génome : Exemple des Vertébrés